Need help?
Do you have any questions about Minarca? Join our dedicated Google group to talk to the community, get help and share your experiences.
💬 Exchange with other users: ask questions, share tips and discover best practices.
🛠 Get community support: Find solutions with advice from members and experts.
🚀 Contribute to Minarca's evolution: share your ideas and suggestions for improving the software.
Send an e-mail to minarca@googlegroups.com
Report a problem
Have you encountered a bug or malfunction with Minarca? Help us improve the software by reporting the problems you encounter.
🐞 Describe the problem: Explain what went wrong, the steps to reproduce the error and any error messages displayed.
📌 Specify your environment: Indicate your operating system, the version of Minarca you are using and any other relevant information.
🚀 Keep up to date: check for updates and patches from the development team.

Read our articles
We regularly post articles that talk about our data storage solutions and make you aware of the importance of developing proper IT security practices. Be informed and become more and more enlightened in order to have the right reflexes. You will see that everything will become easier.