Improved Administration Area
Minarca release 3.3.0

We continue to deliver Minarca according to our goal with regular monthly releases! And this month’s release is a major one.

This new release includes major improvements to the administration area to provide the required tools for the administrator to manage the users’ backup.

It is now possible for the administrators to browse and restore other users’ data!

To provide better visibility to the administrators we have also included a new view to quickly display the servers’ logs.

Since Minarca can be installed in various environments, we have introduced a new view in the administration area to quickly display all technical information available.

We have re-organized our projects into a single repository, including server and client, to rapidly deliver more features.

  • Server: Upgrade to rdiffweb 1.1.0
  • Change repository URL to username/repo-name - in preparation to add ACL in a future release.
  • Add repository view to allow administrators to browse, restore and edit other user repositories.
  • Add system information (version, configuration, operating system info, etc.) to the admin area.
  • Add server logs to admin area (rdiff-backup.log & rdiff-backup-access.log).
  • Improve the users’ view layout.
  • Check local database credentials before LDAP credentials.
  • Reduce footprint of confirmation dialog box.
  • Reduce code smells reported by Sonarqube.
  • Improve main menu structure.
  • Change default login page headline.
  • Support Jinja2 version >= 2.10 (add integration test for 2.6 to 2.10).
  • Update documentation.
  • Server: Add tail packages as a dependency.
  • Server: Replace headline on the login page, adding link to website, documentation and community.
  • Client: Recreate scheduled task on startup if it was removed by the user.
  • Client: Upgrade apache client version to v4.3.6 mitigate security risk reported by Github vulnerability scan.
  • Client: Fix default Minarca launcher to call minarcaui instead or minarca.
  • Client & Server: Allow backup over non-default SSH port (22).

Minarca a proven open-source technology backup solution that simplifies your work, allows you to provide exceptional service to your users and promotes a relationship built on confidence.

Improvements Under The Hood
Minarca release 3.4.0