A new version to better protect your data

Minarca release 4.3.0

Minarca 4.3.0 is the result of 5 months of collaboration with cyber security experts to better secure the application and protect your data. 

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a way to enhance the security of your account by verifying your identity by sending a verification code to your email address. When enabled, this additional step is required to log in to Minarca. According to OWASP, two-factor authentication prevents up to 99.9% of your account from being compromised.

Access Token

The access token is a new way to authenticate with the Minarca REST API. It is the only way to authenticate with it when two-factor authentication is enabled. A new user interface is provided to manage your access token when you need it. You can provide a friendly name for each of your tokens and set an expiration date to make them more secure.

Active Session

Minarca now allows you to view active user sessions. These identify the list of devices that have access to your account and data. In order to better manage the devices that have access to your data, you can identify them and eventually revoke their access.

Each user can check the list of their active sessions. In addition, administrators can also identify and revoke active sessions for all users.

Graphical Interface Update

Since 2014, Minarca's GUI is built using the popular Bootstrap library. This library allows you to quickly create a consistent and functional GUI. With this update to Minarca, we have updated this important library to keep up with the latest industry standards and capabilities. This change allows Minarca to be used with a more user-friendly graphical interface and therefore easier to use.

With the Bootstrap update, it is now possible to customize the colors of the Minarca GUI to better match your brand image. Through the implementation of CSS variables, it is possible to modify the basic colors of Minarca.

Consult the documentation to learn more.

That's not all...

This new version includes other minor changes to Minarca to always improve the user experience, robustness and security of the application. See the complete list of changes on the Gitlab project.

Getting Minarca 4.3.0

Minarca software is free software: all our code is available for download and can be freely modified and redistributed according to the respective licenses. To install it, we recommend that you read the documentation.

About Minarca

Minarca is a centralized data backup management software.

Minarca is written in Python and is published as an open source project under. All source code and documentation is copyright IKUS Software.

Minarca is actively developed by IKUS Software since November 2014.

New security features and continuous improvement
Minarca release 4.2.0